New: T-TCモードとそのスロット選択をサポートしました
注意:Internet Explorerでは動作しません。
注意:iOSでお使いの場合:iOSの制約のため、保存ファイル名を指定しても "Unknown.csv" や "Unknown.pdf" などのファイル名になる場合がありますのでファイル管理アプリやSDカードにコピーするときに半角英数字8文字以内(拡張子は.csv)の適切なファイル名に変更してお使いください。
Memory Bank(メモリバンク)欄で選択したメモリバンク番号のチャンネルを一覧表示します。
New: Now supports T-TC mode with slot selection.
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***Important: Do never click the browser’s “back” button while editing your database, or all non-saved changes will be lost!***
The following page will be displayed.
Insert the SD card containing your receiver memory data into your PC’s SD card reader. It will be a blank SD card if you are creating a database for the first time.
There are 2 ways to proceed:
A: Select a previously created “template” file which contains memory data settings you would like to replicate at a larger scale.
Instructions on how to create a template:
[New] -> FileType [Template File] -> Select receiver model -> [Create]
Select a memory channel and edit it by applying the settings you would like to replicate at a larger scale.
B: Click the arrow and select [From Input]
C: Set the start frequency (351.2 MHz in this example).
D: Set the frequency step (0.00625MHz or 6.25kHz in this example).
E: Set the number of channels you would like to create this way. Remember that you can’t create more channels than there are available in the memory bank you selected for this task.
F: Click [CREATE] and the memory bank you selected will be populated accordingly.
A: Select a previously created “template” file which contains memory data settings you would like to replicate at a larger scale.
B: Click the arrow and select [From FrequencyListFile].
C: Select a previously created frequency list file.
Format instructions for the creation of the frequency list file (.txt extension):
Frequency and title as comma-delimited text
Frequencies: In MHz. Up to five digits after the comma.
Title: Up to 12 characters
New line of code: CR + LF (in Windows)
351.2,DCR-01chRemember that you can’t create more channels than there are available in the memory bank you selected for this task.
D: Click [create] and the memory bank you selected will be populated accordingly. Remember that you can’t create more channels than there are available in the memory bank you selected for this task.
Changes to this page must be saved by clicking the [OK] button at the top right of the window.